Did you have fun on Free Comic Book Day? We know we did! We are going to make this Painted Staff Picks a little quick and we apologize for the delay! So let's get down to it!
Avengers #1
Adam's Pick
A NEW ERA DAWNS FOR EARTH'S MIGHTIEST HEROES! Courtesy of JASON AARON and ED McGUINNESS! Thor Odinson. Steve Rogers. Tony Stark. The Big Three of the Avengers are reunited at last! And just in time to save the world from total annihilation at the hands of their most powerful enemies yet: the 2000-foot-tall space gods known as Celestials. Behold the coming of the Final Host. Who will answer the call to assemble for a wild new era of Earth's Mightiest Heroes? Hint: one of them has a flaming skull for a head. And what strange, world-shaking connection exists between the Final Host and Odin's ancient band of Prehistoric Avengers?
Not able to get a copy? The Second Print has already been announced. Come in today and make your pre-order today!
Batman #46
Adam's Pick II
"THE TRAVELERS" part two! Booster Gold's wedding present has screwed up Batman's past, and done even more damage to his present. Now, with the Caped Crusader himself refusing to cooperate, the only way for Booster to correct this runaway timeline is to get Catwoman on his side. But with her own past altered, can he make Catwoman recognize the qualities in her husband-to-be that brought them together in the first place? Plus, if Batman isn't doing his job, Gotham City may become way more dangerous than our bumbling time-traveler might be ready for.
Need a little more Batman? Don't forget to grab DC Nation #0. With introductions to three upcoming events for only $.25, it is MORE than worth it! Get sneak peaks of Batman, Justice League: No Justice and the upcoming Superman: Man of Steel, the first official line from Brian Michael Bendis!
Infinity Countdown #3 (of 5)
Funky's Pick
As the Guardians' last mission together draws to a close, the war for the Infinity Stones has only just begun! Adam Warlock continues to search for the Soul Stone but encounters an unexpected foe...the SILVER SURFER?! Keep your eyes to the stars as Marvel's biggest cosmic story continues!
The Walking Dead #179
Funky's Pick II
The journey home. There's nothing worse than returning with fewer people than you left with.
Some new picks and some you cannot live without. Need more? Make sure to stop by the store and we can offer you more and more... And more... And more... And more... And... Well, you get it! So come on in!