Avengers Infinity War

Painted Staff Picks (05/02/2018)

Did you have fun on Free Comic Book Day? We know we did! We are going to make this Painted Staff Picks a little quick and we apologize for the delay! So let's get down to it!

Adam's Pick

Avengers #1

Adam's Pick

A NEW ERA DAWNS FOR EARTH'S MIGHTIEST HEROES! Courtesy of JASON AARON and ED McGUINNESS! Thor Odinson. Steve Rogers. Tony Stark. The Big Three of the Avengers are reunited at last! And just in time to save the world from total annihilation at the hands of their most powerful enemies yet: the 2000-foot-tall space gods known as Celestials. Behold the coming of the Final Host. Who will answer the call to assemble for a wild new era of Earth's Mightiest Heroes? Hint: one of them has a flaming skull for a head. And what strange, world-shaking connection exists between the Final Host and Odin's ancient band of Prehistoric Avengers?

Not able to get a copy? The Second Print has already been announced. Come in today and make your pre-order today!

Adam's Pick II

Batman #46

Adam's Pick II

"THE TRAVELERS" part two! Booster Gold's wedding present has screwed up Batman's past, and done even more damage to his present. Now, with the Caped Crusader himself refusing to cooperate, the only way for Booster to correct this runaway timeline is to get Catwoman on his side. But with her own past altered, can he make Catwoman recognize the qualities in her husband-to-be that brought them together in the first place? Plus, if Batman isn't doing his job, Gotham City may become way more dangerous than our bumbling time-traveler might be ready for.

Need a little more Batman? Don't forget to grab DC Nation #0. With introductions to three upcoming events for only $.25, it is MORE than worth it! Get sneak peaks of Batman, Justice League: No Justice and the upcoming Superman: Man of Steel, the first official line from Brian Michael Bendis!

Funky's Pick

Infinity Countdown #3 (of 5)

Funky's Pick

As the Guardians' last mission together draws to a close, the war for the Infinity Stones has only just begun! Adam Warlock continues to search for the Soul Stone but encounters an unexpected foe...the SILVER SURFER?! Keep your eyes to the stars as Marvel's biggest cosmic story continues!

Funky's Pick II

The Walking Dead #179

Funky's Pick II

The journey home. There's nothing worse than returning with fewer people than you left with.

Some new picks and some you cannot live without. Need more? Make sure to stop by the store and we can offer you more and more... And more... And more... And more... And... Well, you get it! So come on in!

Painted Staff Picks (02/21/2018)

This week brought some great new reads. Let's talk about them, shall we? Here are this week's Painted Staff Picks...

Adam's Pick

Ice Cream Man #2

Adam's Pick

Writer: W. Maxwell Prince
Art: Martin Morazzo, Chris O'Halloran

"RAINBOW SPRINKLES." The second installment of this syrupy series of singular stories! Here, the lives of two very different kinds of opioid abusers intersect. But at whose behest? (I think you know the answer....)

Have you seen that Netflix show Black Mirror? Each story tells a deep, winding tale of woe, life and reality. It builds a level of fiction but also gives us a glimpse into truth. If you love stories like that, then Ice Cream Man is 100%... No... 1,000% for you! It has chills, thrills while also telling the stories of human nature. Its reality that portrays the darkness that resides within. But do not fall in love with the characters, as each issue weaves a new tale that will leave you hanging onto the edge of your seat.

Funky's PIck

Black Panther Annual #1


Funky's Pick

Writer: Reginald Hudlin, Donald McGregor, Christopher Priest
Art: Daniel Acuna, Ken Lashley, Mike Perkins

LEGENDARY PANTHER WRITERS RETURN! Three legendary BLACK PANTHER writers return to Wakanda! Don McGregor's famous storyline "The Panther's Rage" has become one of the most well-respected runs in comic book history. Now, the author who redefined Wakanda for a generation is back to expand the mythos! Bearing the heart-shaped herb that defines the Panther legacy, King T'Challa leaves his beloved country for a heart-wrenching mission in the streets of New York. Then: For half a decade, comics legend Christopher Priest made his mark on the Panther. The acclaimed writer returns with an all-new story - and with it, of course, U.S. State Department employee Everett K. Ross! And finally, no Panther history would be complete without Reggie Hudlin, author of more than 50 Black Panther stories, including the famed "Who Is The Black Panther?" Don't miss the sequel to his "Black to the Future" story, featuring original artist Ken Lashley!

Do you love Black Panther? Have you already seen the movie 5 times (or more)? If available, would you be the first person on a plane if offered to move to Wakanda? Do you REALLY love Black Panther? Then this issue is for you. From some of the greatest names in T'Challa's history, we have one of the biggest most exciting issues of the year. Come in today and grab a copy of the oversized Black Panther Annual #1.

Adam's Pick II

The Brave and the Bold: Batman and Wonder Woman #1 (of 6)

Adam's Pick II

Don't miss the start of a new, six-issue miniseries written and illustrated by Liam Sharp (Wonder Woman Rebirth)! When a Celtic god's murder leads to a war between the fairy folk and a possible breach between worlds, Wonder Woman must find the murderer and keep the peace while Batman investigates strange occurrences in Gotham City. As Diana must turn to the World's Greatest Detective for help, the two heroes quickly learn their cases may be connected.


Mystery. Murder. Fantasy. The worlds of the paranormal/fantastical and reality are separated by a fine line. But there are those who wish to destroy that which keeps the peace. When worlds collide, two of DC Universe's greatest heroes must look to each other, once again, for support. The first issue of the new team-up miniseries is on shelves now. Come by and grab a copy today!

Funky's Pick II

Infinity Countdown Prime #1

Funky's Pick II

Writer: Gerry Duggan
Art: Mike Deodato Jr., Frank Martin, Cory Petit

Contains 30 pages of all-new story from Gerry Duggan (Deadpool) and Mike Deodato Jr (Invincible Iron Man), with additional bonus content! This brand-new story is the beginning of the saga fans won't want to miss. The Infinity Stones. Individually, they grant their wielder great power. Together, they grant the power of a god. Newly reformed and scattered throughout the universe, these artifacts allow the ones who claim them their heart's desire. Now, as their locations are discovered, forces converge for a battle that will begin the universe down a dark path to the END. Jump onto this exciting ride that will lead to the biggest Infinity yet! Plus: The saga of the Infinity Stones-what they are and how they came to be! From creation to destruction to re-creation, this prose primer will tell you everything you need to know about the legendary cosmic gems!

Avengers Infinity War is just around the corner, hitting theaters May 4th. So would it not be nice to know the truth about the Infinity Stones? What they are. How they came to be? Now is our chance. The Infinity Stones are back and the Universe will go to war to attain them. Check out this new series from Marvel and learn the history (and the future) of the Infinity Stones.

Need even more options? Come on by and we can pile you up with all the best new reads on the shelves!